Aiden is my grandson. He started 1st grade this year. At first he was not able to remember his teachers name but as I asked him other questions he was able to remember. His teacher’s name is Miss Nicki. His favorite part of school was getting a cookie and a cub of baby “mellows”. The hardest thing for his was doing work. The easiest part of school was Miss Nicki asked what they wanted to be when they grew up. Aiden has maintained he wants to be a chef or an astronaut. When aske dif anyone did anything funny he told me his teacher made funny faces. He played with his friends at recess and climbed some sort of rope thing. The rules at school and at home seem to be similar. He is not allowed to climb on the couch at home and he is not allowed to climb on the table at school.
Towards the end of the interview he got distracted because his grandpa came in and started rifling through the treats sitting on the table. We ended the interview with him saying something about school and chalk and that he sat with his friends at lunch. Aiden’s biggest struggle so far this year is having a new teacher. He had a good teacher in kindergarten.